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 Water Services & Rates 
 Provider  City of Waterloo - Waterloo Water Works
 Capacity  50,000,000 gpd
 Average Daily Use  12,000,000 gpd
 Peak Daily Use  28,800,000 gpd
  gpd = gallons per day

Water Rates 2024

Meter Size Monthly Quarterly
 5/8" $11.29 $30.88
3/4" $13.87 $38.62
 1" $16.58 $46.74
 1  1/2" $51.00 $150.00
 2"  $61.00 $180.00
 3"  $96.00 $285.00
 4"  $162.00 $483.00
 6"  $327.00 $978.00
 8"  $541.00 $1,620.00
 10"  $671.00 $2,010.00
 12"  $755.00 $2,262.00
  Effective January 1st, 2024

  Sanitation Services & Rates
 Provider  City of Waterloo
 Capacity  36,500,000 gpd
 Average Daily Use  14,000,000 gpd
  gpd = gallons per day

 Monthly Rates 
 1st 300 cubic feet  $10.55 per month
 Each additional 100 cubic feet  $1.68 per month
 A biennial water rate survey conducted by the city of Ames shows Waterloo maintained its longtime status with the cheapest water bills of the state's 33 cities with a population of 10,000 or greater. The survey, conducted in September, compiles monthly water rates in each community based on 6,000 gallons of water usage, or normal household usage, each month.